Blood spots on your carpet or on your furniture… what a terrible thing. Hopefully, when it happens, it’s not from a very serious accident. But when it does happen, you must remove it quickly. Blood spots can be removed fairly easily if you get to it quick enough. Of...
The Basics of Spot Removal
It’s a good feeling. You have a beautiful home, you spend time keeping it in perfect shape, and your brand-new carpet is the icing on the cake. It’s soft, comfortable and clean. Then one day, you notice (gasp) a spot right in the middle of the living room. There’s no...
Urine Odor Removal 101
Phew! What is that smell? You might have uttered those words a few times, and when it happens, it is often from pet urine in carpet or perhaps some clothing attacked by a baby or toddler. When left untreated, many problems can arise, the most noticeable being by the...
The Basics of Great Floor Cleaning
Floors. You can’t avoid walking on them. You can’t avoid looking at them, either. The condition of your floors really affects the appearance of your entire home. When you have visitors, they notice…whether your floors are clean and tidy and in good condition, and if...